Lee’s Podcasts

Everything Speaks

Everything you say and do – and don’t say and don’t do speaks for you. Too often we have a good intention in our communication but sabotage ourselves with our body language, timing, actions or non actions. This is true for people and companies and other organizations.

On the podcast we interview top communication coaches, corporate communication executives, PR gurus, presentation and speaker trainers, behavior and body language experts. We’ll bring you their insights and recommendations, along with the resources they use to say what they want to say.

You can listen to Everything Speaks here.

Millennial Minded

Navigating a new career can be intimidating – especially if you’re armed with nothing more than some college classes and advice from friends. So, why not listen to the person we’re working to impress – the CEO. We reserve 15 minutes each week to pick the boss lady’s brain. What can we really be doing to become the best that we can be.

You can listen to Millennial Minded here.